Semaglutide and tirzepatide are currently the most powerful weight loss medications on the market. They belong to a class of medications called glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Tirzepatide has an additional mechanism of action by also activating GIP receptors and being even more effective for weight loss in some patients. These medications were originally manufactured for diabetics and improved blood sugar control, but soon found to have substantial impact on weight loss. They work by simultaneously stimulating specific satiety, appetite and craving hormone receptors in the brain and stomach which in turn suppress appetite, combat cravings and decrease insulin resistance. Although it comes via injectable form, it is not insulin. Providers at Body by Barker will help you titrate this once weekly shot to avoid low blood sugars and potential side effects of nausea and constipation. Because this therapy is directed to your specific needs, unlike all other options, you will not experience tolerance to the medication or plateaus in your weight loss journey. Schedule a semaglutide/tirzepatide appointment today by clicking the link below!

FAQ’s semaglutide/tirzepatide


Is this medication Ozempic, Wegovy or Mounjaro?

No. While the active ingredient is the same as these commercial products, there are many differences between them such as dosing schedule, strength, cost, added vitamins, and proper storage.

Did my vial leak if it’s not entirely full?

Probably not. While the tirzepatide vial should be mostly full, semaglutide comes in a 5 mL vial but will contain 2 mL (200 units) of medication. It will be less than halfway full before it is even opened.

If my vial arrives thawed, will it be ineffective?

No. The medication is engineered to be thawed and re-frozen every week and can potentially be effective for up to 6 months. It is common for it to thaw during the transportation process and will not lose any potency if it did not get warm (do not leave it in your car in the summer).

Should I keep my vial in the fridge or freezer?

The medication remains more potent if kept in the freezer. It can be stored for up to 6 months without losing potency. If stored in the fridge, the potency decreases after 30 days.

Is the expiration date accurate?

No. The expiration date is created based on our ordering process. It is an arbitrary number created by the pharmacy based on the way we order the medication (multiple vials for our office supply).

What if my vial doesn’t freeze solid?

Sometimes moving it to different locations in your freezer will help. We usually recommend keeping it towards the back of the freezer and not in the door. Occasionally patients report a vial here and there that just never re-freezes. Not to worry! It does not seem to affect the potency.

Is a compounded medication as effective as the name brand?

Yes. Our results are comparable or better than the data from clinical trials. In fact, levocarnitine (the ingredient with the semaglutide) is an amino acid that helps mobilize fat stores, theoretically making it easier to burn.

What are the common side effects?

The most common side effects are nausea and constipation. These are typically mild. Other uncommon and temporary side effects reported are fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and heartburn.

What is the maximum dose?

The maximum dose of semaglutide is 90 units or 2.4 mg per week and tirzepatide is 150 units or 15 mg per week.

Will I gain all the weight back once I stop the medication?

Not usually. If the medication is stopped “cold turkey” hunger and cravings may return quickly. Body by Barker providers recommend a slow weaning schedule to prevent regain.

How long will I need to be on this medication?

It varies for each person. It depends on how much weight you have to lose and how fast the weight comes off. For example, if you would like to lose 50 pounds and average 1 pound of weight loss per week, and consider the weaning phase, you can expect to be on it over a year.

How long until I start seeing results?

It varies for each person. Some patients will start losing weight with their very first injection. Others will need to get to higher doses (20-30 units) before they start sustaining weight loss. We find that patients with worse insulin resistance require higher doses.